How Photofy Enables Your Employees to Market Your Brand
Photofy gives companies the tools its employees need to market their company and products. With such a user friendly and “easy-for-beginner” platform, Photofy’s content creation tools make it easy for the everyday worker to market their brand.
How is this possible? Photofy’s branding tools offer users a platform at their fingertips, complete with graphics, branding assets, and other creative outputs to make content creation fast and easy.
A successful marketing and branding strategy requires a few important things: product knowledge, market insights, and a wide reach. Having these can help generate a more efficient marketing plan and can lead to more conversions for your company. So why not put this tool in the hands of the everyday employee?
YOUR employees are the ones who have a detailed knowledge of your product. They know the people that they are trying to sell to, and when you empower them to produce valuable content, they can have a very widespread reach without having to spend a great amount of money on advertising. Imagine this:
Your company’s employees each post a piece of branded content on Instagram promoting your product. Now, with numerous employees, who have an exponential amount of followers, these followers are seeing your product everyday created with professional easy to create graphics from Photofy. Even more, if each of them post with your company hashtag, the social algorithms will notice and promote the content even more, bringing their posts to the top of people’s feeds and even the explore page. Eureka! Your company is now reaching a wide audience on social platforms with an absolutely organic reach.
Want to learn more about how Photofy can help your business? Contact us!