Turbocharge Your Job Search!

FREE Professional Headshots by Photofy, Inc. and Portraits With Purpose from 9-5 pm, November 13th at 1053 E. Whitaker Mill Rd. Raleigh 27608.


Job seekers in the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill area are invited to join. Participants will receive 1 professional headshot and access to Photofy “job seeker” templates to promote their resume and work across social media channels.

Schedule your 10-minute time slot here

Photofy seeks to help individuals and small businesses manage through and beyond COVID-19. Now through Dec. we opened up free access for six months for SMBs to our Photofy Pro platform, enabling users to create beautiful, branded content for marketing across digital channels. Click here to sign-up for your 6-month trial

*Social distancing and masks are strongly enforced. You will be asked to wear a mask up until your headshot is taken and we ask that participants remain 6ft apart and discourage lingering after their photo has been taken.