Guide to Real Estate Video Marketing in 2021

Check out our updated article on real estate video marketing:

We have released a new article on the topic. Visit the new article here: Real Estate Video Marketing: Leveraging the Power of Visual Storytelling

Original article:

Now more than ever is the time to get on camera and create original content! In a world that is ever-changing, video is where it’s at. By creating personal videos for your sphere and clients, going live on Facebook or Instagram once a week, and using Video Conferencing, you are able to stay in front of and consistent with your audience.

Incorporating video into your online marketing can boost your lead generation efforts. Research finds that Real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries than those without videos. However, for video to work as an effective real estate marketing technique, you will need to not only produce the right types of video but know how to promote them effectively.

Let’s break down how to make the most out of video marketing for your business. 

One-to-One Videos

Using Facebook Messenger, text or Photofy Video Templates you can create and send personal videos to clients and prospects – and in half the time it takes to type out an email! Video responses save time when it comes to responses and virtual tours of a home – meaning you can get to the closing table sooner! 

Our favorite method: Using a mobile device, record your video to mobile and add a branded Template using Photofy, then share via Text/SMS!

Facebook/Instagram Live

A great way to highlight properties, share education or information, support the local businesses that support you, and more, is through Facebook LIVE.. Facebook live can get you up to 10x more engagement than regular posts.

While the idea of going LIVE may be intimidating, creating a test page and gaining experience with inflection and verbiage can get you into the groove of sharing content LIVE on social media. What’s great about LIVE video is that it instantly connects a viewer into a day in your world. Not to mention, given how quickly the market is responding, allows clients and prospects to have instant updates AND the ability to respond quickly.

Our favorite method: Jumping directly onto IG and/or FB and selecting LIVE – staying relevant and timely with information and market research!

Video Meetings and Conferencing

If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it is that virtual meetings are here to stay. Let’s face it – we’re all busy. From agents running from showing to showing to clients that have little downtime for their own search, virtual meetings allow you to meet people where they’re at, at times that are most convenient for them, AND in a more timely manner. 

Virtual conferencing is always a great way to meet with those who are still uncomfortable with meeting in person. Setting up a group video chat or virtual happy hour with your neighbors and clients is a great way to stay connected and engage your community. 

Our favorite methods: Zoom and Google Meet are our favorite and we use them daily to host meetings and webinars or record podcasts.

Promotional Listing Videos

These are the digital GOLD real estate videos. Showing off the properties you represent in a stylish fashion using video is an effective means of impressing top-of-the-funnel leads who are learning about the properties in your market, as well as moving middle- and bottom-of-the-funnel leads into the telephone, email, and in-person meetings.

The great thing about listing videos is you don’t have to just put photos in a slideshow to showcase them anymore. Snap videos of each room, include a selfie video or voiceover, and splice together.

Our favorite method: Save your TikTok or IG Reels then import them into a Photofy Branded Template to share with your audience.

Have more tips or tricks to share with our network? Drop a note and we’ll feature your tip in our Photofy for Real Estate group forum!

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